Jameis Winston may be able to finish his team's football season before a decision is returned in his impending disciplinary hearing at Florida State University (FSU).

Unnamed sources told USA Today the hearing has been delayed to Dec. 1, two days after the Seminoles final regular season game. However, Major Harding, the former state Supreme Court Justice chosen to preside, may not have to return a decision until Jan. 13, one day after the National Championship game.

The hearing is to determine which of four student conduct code violations Winston is responsible for, if any at all. The case is in relation to a former female FSU student's claim that the reigning Heisman Trophy winning quarterback sexually assaulted her in Dec. 2012.

The hearing was originally scheduled for Nov. 17, but David Cornwell, Winston's attorney, requested it be pushed back for additional preparation time. John Clune, an attorney representing Winston's accuser, called it a tactic to keep Winston on the football field as long as possible.

Unnamed sources told ESPN FSU officials reached their decision on Wednesday after a teleconference with both Cornwell and Clune. FSU's policies state that a student facing conduct code charges will receive a decision notice within 10 class days of the conclusion of the hearing. That may be extended "if additional consideration of evidence and deliberation is required."

Cornwell may also appeal the decision if his client is found responsible within those 10 days and hence ruled ineligible to play football. For his charges, Winston's possible punishments range from a written reprimand to expulsion. FSU head football coach Jimbo Fisher could also choose to suspend him.

Either way, it seems as though Cornwell is already doing everything to have the eventual decision delayed long enough to allow Winston to play as much football as possible. The Rose Bowl and Sugar Bowl are the semi-final games for the inaugural College Football Playoff and they will be held Jan. 1. The National Title game is set for Jan. 12, about a week after FSU's spring semester begins.