Jameis Winston's attorney is looking to have his client's disciplinary hearing for charges of sexual assault with Florida State University (FSU) delayed, but how long is unknown.

According to the Tampa Bay Times, David Cornwell notified John Clune, an attorney representing Winston's accuser, Thursday night that he needed more time to prepare for the hearing. FSU originally scheduled Winston's disciplinary hearing for Nov. 17, preceding the Seminoles' last two football games.

If the hearing is delayed long enough, it may not even take place.

Major Harding, a former State Supreme Court Justice, will hear the case as FSU wanted an outside official to preside.

"Mr. Cornwell obviously doesn't want his client to ever to do this hearing," Clune told the Times.

ESPN reported Cornwell also sent FSU officials a letter requesting the delay. Winston has been informed that he could be charged with up to four student conduct code violations in relation to his accuser's claim that he sexually assaulted her in Dec. 2012. Not charged with anything at this time, Winston could be expelled from FSU, pending the outcome of the hearing.

Michael McCann, a legal analyst for Sports Illustrated, recently opined that Winston's best move would be to drop out of FSU and declare for the 2015 NFL Draft. Cornwell may have that in mind and a delay would give Winston more time on the field for the undefeated defending champion Seminoles.

FSU must notify Winston of their decision within 10 days of his hearing, but Cornwell could also file an appeal on Winston's behalf depending on the ruling, the Times reported. But if the hearing is delayed past Jan. 13, the date of this year's National Championship game, Winston could drop out before it even happens.

Any comments made in the hearing may also be used in future criminal cases. Winston has never been charged criminally and a student conduct code is not the same as a trial in court, eliminating Double Jeopardy, McCann noted.

Winston's accuser has until 2017 to file a civil suit for sexually assaulting her.