Michigan State's Green Michigan 'M' Prank Does Not Live Up to These 5 College Football Tricks
ByMichigan State University (MSU) football fans pulled off an impressive prank on the University of Michigan (UM) campus, but it is hardly an all-time great.
Some tricksters spray-painted the yellow Michigan "M" green and wrote the letters "SU" in white. College football is full of old rivalries and a few times over the years, students have come up with some truly memorable, risky and even criminal pranks.
Michigan State is doing the lord’s work: pic.twitter.com/JguTa9uP5I (pic: @ByAZuniga) https://t.co/ei3jtDHTse
— Land-Grant Holy Land (@Landgrant33) October 22, 2014
The Guardian published a report of the greatest college football pranks in the long history of the sport.
1. Before the unforgettable 2013 Iron Bowl, one Alabama fan decided to poison the iconic Toomer's Corner oak trees. Harvey Updyke got three years in prison for it, ESPN previously reported. Auburn won the game in thrilling fashion.
2. In 1896, Auburn was hosting Georgia Tech and some of the home fans greased the train tracks, causing the Georgia Tech team train to slide about five miles too far. Georgia Tech lost 45-0.
3. In the Ivy League's premier football rivalry, some students at Harvard kidnapped Handsome Dan, Yale's mascot bulldog in 1933 and then published a photo of the dog licking the John Harvard statue the next day.
Yale pulled off one of the most elaborate pranks 71 years later, disguising 24 of their students as the "Harvard Pep Squad." They passed out large crimson and white boards to specific Harvard fans. When they raised the boards, a crimson message said "We Suck" against a white backdrop.
4. California beat Stanford 25-20 in in 1982 thanks to a bizarre kick-off return in which they used five laterals. Some Stanford students produced a fake Cal newspaper with a front-page article on how the NCAA ruled the crazy play illegal, erasing Cal's win.
5. Amherst students burned their own letter "A" into the Williams College football field, but the latter returned the favor in 2005, except with a "B+."
At 6-1, eighth-ranked Michigan State is leading the way in the Big Ten and could find themselves in the inaugural College Football Playoff if they can win out.