Police are not letting up in their search for missing University of Virginia (UVa) student Hannah Graham, but in the meantime her parents must play an agonizing waiting game.

According to CNN, Sue and John Graham, Hannah's parents, appear in a video released by the city of Charlottesville, where their daughter went to school, pleading for information leading to her finding. She was last seen or heard from early in the morning on Sept. 13.

"Somebody listening to me today either knows where Hannah is, or knows someone who has that information," the mother, Sue Graham said in the video. "We appeal to you to come forward and tell us where Hannah can be found.

"Please, please, please help end this nightmare for all of us.

"Please help us to bring Hannah home."

The search effort is still ongoing and $100,000 is offered to anyone who provides information that leads directly to Graham. Police have received thousands of tips, but do not know where the 18-year-old college student is.

Graham's parents believe someone out there knows where their daughter is and are begging for such a person to come forward. Police have made use of officers and volunteers to canvas large plots of land in Charlottesville and have even sent drones into the air to get a bird's eye view.

"John has already said that this is every parent's worst nightmare. That is true, but it is also a nightmare for our son, James, for Hannah's grandparents and other members of our family, as well as for all of Hannah's many friends here in Charlottesville and beyond," Sue Graham said.

According to the Washington Post, the UVa community is in a fog and students are cancelling parties and abstaining from Facebook and Twitter, which is just full of reminders of her disappearance.

"You could feel it in the air, it was palpable," Claudi Kuchler, 19, told the Post. "There was a gloomy aura over everything."

To learn more about what you can do to help or offer support, go to the Help Find Hannah Graham Facebook page or visit UVa's website for instructions on how to provide a tip.