The Florida State University (FSU) student who accused Jameis Winston of sexually assaulting her in Dec. 2012 now stands accused of attempted extortion.

David Cornwell, an attorney for the reigning Heisman Trophy winner, wrote in a letter to FSU that, through her attorney, Winston's alleged sexual assault victim asked for $7 million in exchange for her silence. TMZ claims to have obtained a copy of the letter, which also informed FSU that Winston will cooperate fully with the school's Title IX investigation.

Winston's attorney said he turned down the settlement four days before the alleged victim "went to the media," TMZ reported.

Last Nov., Tampa Bay Times reporter Matt Baker spoke to Deadspin about his experience as the first reporter to inquire on the rape complaint against Winston. He said the TPD did not get back to him right away and other media outlets got wind of it by then. TMZ was ultimately credited with breaking the story.

Normally an NFL reporter, Baker looked into the case because it featured a prominent college football, especially in the state of Florida, and because he got the tip from a trusted source. If TMZ has it right and Cornwell really did say the victim "went to the media," then Baker should not have needed to pry into the TPD's case.

Cornwell reportedly wrote in the letter than Carroll told him, "If we settle, you will never hear from my client or me again - in the press or anywhere."

ESPN also obtained a copy of the letter, but did not cover the allegations of attempted extortion in its report.

The alleged victim's lawyer at the time, Patricia Carroll, initially accused FSU for violation the federal gender equity law Title IX. She filed a federal complaint, accusing the school of sexual discrimination by failing to investigate her rape claim. About a year and a half after the incident, Winston is apparently ready to cooperate.

"Mr. Winston will cooperate with the Investigation," Cornwell wrote. "He looks forward to clearing his name. But Mr. Winston will not walk into a honey trap. The Investigation must be a legitimate investigation."