Apple Day is here and the tech giant is supposedly celebrating the 25th anniversary of the original Macintosh computer by unveiling a brand new device.

Apple's unveiling event is taking place in the Flint Center for the Performing Arts in Cupertino, Calif., the same place Steve Jobs unveiled the original Macintosh computer 25 years ago. Tuesday, Tim Cook, Apple's CEO, is expected to unveil the iWatch, the first device fully his own.

CLICK HERE to watch an online live stream of the event, which will start at 10 a.m. PT (1 p.m. ET).

Here is what to expect from the event.

iPhone 6

Since Feb., analysts and insiders have expected Apple to release a handset with two different screen sizes, one 4.7 inches and one 5.5 inches. The size increase would be the first since Apple took the traditional 3.5-inch iPhone model and made it four inches with the iPhone 5.

It is also expected to come with more GB storage than any iPhone before, potentially with 32GB, 64GB or more. With a bigger screen and a more capable iOS 8 will also be an upgraded A8 processing chip.


Apple is finally expected to join the smart watch market after Samsung has already released multiple iterations of their Galaxy Gear. Apple reportedly hired Yves Saint Laurent CEO Paul Deneve to help with the wearable device's design and iOS 8 has all but confirmed some of the iWatch's features.

The iWatch is also the first device that Apple is putting on the market completely free of Jobs' fingerprints. Jobs brought the world the Mac computers, the iPod, the iPhone and the iPad, now Cook will try to make his mark.

Mobile Payment

Apple has reportedly reached agreements with Discover, Visa, MasterCard and American Express supposedly to develop software to allow users to turn their iPhone into a digital wallet. While other companies may have tried to develop such a digital wallet, Apple appears ready to try their hand.