Just after missing out on the job at USF, Manhattan College has placed basketball coach Steve Masiello on leave after it came to light that he apparently never graduated college.

It is against policy for USF to extend an offer to a head basketball coach who does not have a degree, but Masiello is still technically under contract with Manhattan. He has not resigned from Manhattan, but Masiello is now trying to sort out his degree situation.

Manhattan also requires head coaches to have a bachelor's degree, ESPN reported. Even Manhattan's Jasper's official website acknowledged Masiello as a "2000 graduate," which now reads "a four year player" at Kentucky.

"As a result of a background check commissioned by the University of South Florida, Manhattan College has learned there is a question of the validity of head men's basketball coach Steve Masiello's undergraduate degree from the University of Kentucky," reads a statement from Manhattan College. "Masiello is currently in the process of reviewing his degree status with the University of Kentucky. Manhattan College has placed Masiello on leave while he completes this process with the university."

While at Kentucky, Masiello played under Rick Pitino and later served as the coach's assistant at Louisville from 2005 to 2011. At that point, Masiello got the Manhattan job.

Jim Calhoun, a hall of fame coach who led UConn to three national titles, told ESPNNewYork.com's Ian O'Connor he thinks Manhattan should keep Masiello.

"I'd take him back," Calhoun said. "We have a semi-parallel situation at Rutgers, where (Eddie Jordan) didn't have his degree, and they kept him. Why did they hire him in the first place? Why was Manhattan going to extend their offer to Coach Masiello? Because they want him... So, he's the same guy he was before, and he made an error on his resume, and he's going to have to fix that up and get his degree, I'm sure. But I would take him back in a heartbeat."