Ann Arbor police are investigating a possible antisemitic attack near the University of Michigan campus.

The 19-year-old victim told authorities he was walking around 1 a.m. Sunday in the Hill Street and South Forest Avenue area when several unknown men approached him and asked if he was Jewish. When he confirmed, the men assaulted him and then fled on foot, according to police. The victim sustained minor injuries.

"We take bias-motivated crimes very seriously and have assigned this incident to our hate crimes detective," the department said in a statement, noting they currently have limited information on the suspects.

Chief Andre C. Anderson contacted University of Michigan police about the incident as well.

"There is absolutely no place for hate or ethnic intimidation in the City of Ann Arbor. Our department stands against antisemitism and all acts of bias-motivated crimes. We are committed to vigorously investigating this and other hate-motivated incidents and will work with the County Prosecutor's office to aggressively prosecute those who are responsible," he said.

University of Michigan Hillel CEO Davey Rosen said in a statement that the "incident has marred an otherwise incredible start to the new academic year."

"The safety of our students is our highest priority, and we appreciate law enforcement's quick response. We know this is difficult news to hear especially as we are just beginning the school year," he added.

Police are asking anyone with information to call 734-794-6939 or email