In the ever-evolving landscape of US university admissions, the resurgence of standardized testing has sparked debates and concerns among educators, policymakers, and advocacy groups.

Despite a decades-long campaign against standardized testing, recent decisions by prestigious institutions like Dartmouth College and Yale University to reinstate SAT and ACT requirements have raised questions about the future trajectory of admissions policies in higher education.

Resurgence of Standardized Testing: Dartmouth and Yale's Pivot

The prevailing trend in recent years has been toward test-optional admissions, a shift accelerated by the challenges posed by the Covid-19 pandemic. Over 2,000 US colleges and universities, including more than 80% of four-year institutions, have moved away from requiring SAT or ACT scores from applicants. However, a noteworthy reversal in this trend came with Dartmouth and Yale's announcements that they would reintroduce standardized test score requirements. This decision, following the lead of MIT and others in 2022, marks a departure from the consensus position that emerged in response to the pandemic.

The rationale provided by Dartmouth and Yale officials highlights a growing acknowledgment of standardized test scores as a reliable predictor of academic performance. They argue that considering these scores in the admissions process can be particularly advantageous for disadvantaged students who may lack other methods of demonstrating their academic competence. This pivot by elite institutions underscores the ongoing complexity and debates surrounding the role of standardized testing in shaping the composition of student bodies.

Debate Over Testing Efficacy: Nuances and Challenges

The resurgence of standardized testing has not occurred without controversy. Advocacy groups, notably the National Center for Fair and Open Testing (FairTest), have expressed frustration at what they perceive as a departure from established principles. FairTest, founded in 1985, has shifted its tone, adopting a more caustic stance in its arguments against standardized testing. Harry Feder, the executive director of FairTest, emphasized the need for media attention on major public universities, such as the University of Michigan and the University of California systems, which continue to uphold test-optional policies.

While criticisms of standardized testing persist, experts are increasingly recognizing the limitations of alternative assessment tools. High school grades, once considered a reliable indicator, are now subject to grade inflation, diminishing their utility. Letters of recommendation and extracurricular activities may inadvertently favor privileged students with greater resources. In-person interviews, another alternative, introduce their own set of biases.

Professor Steven Brint of the University of California, Riverside, acknowledges the nuanced role of standardized test scores in admissions. He argues that, when used judiciously, they can offer valuable insights into an applicant's potential success in college, especially when making score comparisons between applicants of similar socio-economic and racial-ethnic backgrounds. Despite this recognition, Brint notes the challenge of persuading institutions entrenched in anti-testing sentiments to reconsider their stance in light of new statistical evidence.

Looking Ahead: Future of Admissions Policies

As the debate over standardized testing continues, the resurgence of these assessments raises broader questions about the future of admissions policies in US higher education. The ongoing quest for equity and fairness in the selection process remains a central theme, with institutions grappling with how to balance the advantages and drawbacks of various assessment methods. Choices by prestigious universities such as Dartmouth and Yale could reshape admissions standards, impacting future students on a large scale.