When searching for your college or university, you should make sure to select the right choice. Remember that it plays a key role on whatever career you may be choosing and the job that you will be doing for the rest of your life.

It may be daunting to think that you will have to somehow find that single perfect college for you from among the thousands of colleges and universities in the United States because you want to be in the best school you possibly can but according to College Express, selecting colleges that are a right fit for you may mean you have to give up conventional wisdom about what really makes a good school. But it should be about how you feel about that college and how it fits you are and what you want.

But what if you are an average student with an average grades in high school? Which school are really going to help you land a promising career in the future? Marissa Warren, a school counselor at Yorktown High School in New York said that it is important to get away from the brand name, although it can really be very hard, according to US News.

Her first advice is to see schools that accept a student with a C-plus average or 1000 on the SAT, which is something you can do by taking advantage of free college search and fix calculators. It is also important to look for schools with high retention and graduation rates, especially for students who are struggling academically, and the ones with higher admission rates.

Warren also advise to look for smaller institutions because students who have struggled through high school will be able to get the support they need in college if the class is smaller in size. It is never too late to excel in college if you are able to make the right choice about your school.

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