CyberConnect2 CEO Hiroshi Matsuyama and Bandai Namco Entertainment Producer Miho Nakagawa recently said in an interview the "Naruto: Road to Boruto" DLC will be the last in the series. They also said the DLC is already in development along with the game which means games won't have to wait long before the DLC gets released when the game comes out.

According to Attack of the Fan Boy, Matsuyama said the "Naruto: Road to Boruto" DLC will last 3 to 4 hours with a lot of volume being added to an already packed game. He also said several sub-plots will show up across the Leaf Village.

He added that if gamers are looking to complete everything including the sub-stories then the entire thing can be completed in around 10 hours. Matsuyama also said the "Naruto: Road to Boruto" DLC will have brand new exclusive stuff that is not available in the vanilla version of Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 4.

"Naruto: Road to Boruto" DLC, according to Otaku Art, is set for release for the PS4 console on Feb. 2, 2017. It can be played in three new modes which are Story Mode, Adventure Mode and Online Mode. The characters who will appear in the game include Saradad, Boruto, Mistuki along with villains Momoshiki and possesses. Joining them are Konohamaru, Yurui, Shikadai and Metal Lee plus the adult versions of Naruto and Sasuke.

Mecha Naruto is one of the new characters in the "Naruto: Road to Boruto" DLC that gamers look forward to though. He looks like a very powerful automaton. He can also adjust to whatever type of opponent who decides to challenge him. He also has a very impressive skill set that would make gamers feel confident of him. He definitely had the upper hand when it comes to battling weaker opponents.

For those who are so excited, check out this video about "Naruto: Road to Boruto" DLC:

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