Eating a well-balanced and nutritious diet is important but do you know that the nutrients that your body needs differ as you age? Find out the right types of food you need to eat when you are from your 20's through 60's and beyond.

In your 20's

Yogurt is highly recommended while you are in your 20's because it is high in calcium and this is the best time for you to increase your bone strength before you stop building bone mass by the age of 30. You can also get calcium from other food sources like milk and cheese, as well as green, leafy vegetables such as kale.

Eggs are a good source of Vitamin D and Vitamin D helps you absorb all the calcium you ingest in your body. This is a good way of building up your bones. Other good sources of Vitamin D are sardines and canned tuna.

In your 30's

Joint damage that lead to arthritis can start in your early 30's and you need to eat foods that are rich in omega 3 fatty acids like sunflower seeds. Omega 3 can reduce the inflammation in your joints by lubricating them. Other sources are nuts, other seeds, fish like mackerel and anchovies.

In your 40's

When you age, your metabolism slows down and it usually happens after 40's. What you need are more fiber rich foods to help you manage your weight. Lentils are one of the foods that are rich in fiber. Other excellent sources are apples, berries, beans and vegetables.

In your 50's

After women's menopausal period, they become at risk of osteoporosis which explains why extra amount of calcium is needed per day and one of the excellent sources is cottage cheese. Food sources that are rich in calcium are better and safer compared to calcium supplements.

In your 60's and beyond

Shellfish that are rich in Vitamin B12 are highly recommended in your 50's and 60's because this is the time when you begin to lose stomach acid, and you need to eat more food with high B12 content. B12 can also help reduce your amino acid levels that can result in dementia. Other good sources are eggs, milk and yogurt.

Topics Guide, Age, Science, Diet