It is that time of the year when college and university students are busy looking for companies to intern for. Interning for companies generate experience, knowledge and wisdom when it comes to the field they are interested in pursuing.

Often times, students still do not know what kind of career path they want in that particular field. Interning exposes them to the different job roles, activities and future. One company in particular welcomes interns. But some find it not easy to get.

Like job applications, to become an intern, students must apply for these positions. The intern openings depend on the department that needs them. The recruiter will then be able to tell which department these students are suited for and if they have what it takes to work in such an environment. For a company like Google, Glassdoor was able to compile a list of questions and experiences coming from applicants who have applied.

Here are a few of them:

1. An intern applied and was interviewed twice. His recruiters asked technical questions and did not even delve deep into his resume or experience.

2. Some find the first interview much more difficult than the second one. Oftentimes, his recruiter offers a hint to the questions.

3. Another applicant explained that he was approved by the hiring committee and is being matched to a project. This next interview was not technical. It looked like they were getting to know the applicant more and if he had any questions.

4. One student didn't get the role but he recalled being asked about team-related experiences.

5. One interview happened at the same time while the applicant was coding on a Google Document.

6. Sometimes, interviews happen over the phone and for one applicant, he found it difficult to understand because of the recruiter's accent. He recalled being asked dynamic programming and array based questions.

Do you have an intern interview experience of your own? Share them in the comments section!