To keep foods fresher for longer periods of time, a new award winning technology was introduced, called Food Freshness Card. The Food Freshness Card was tested at the Bridgewater State University, and a total of 36 Food Freshness Cards were installed throughout the food services department.

According to the report from the Executive Chef of the university, they have not seen any mold on any of their breads and this has significantly reduced their bread waste by 6%. "As far as data on produce, overall waste is down 15 pounds from 580 pounds to 565 pounds of discarded waste for the month. This represents about 2.5% savings on our produce purchases." he said.

He also said that even their items of produce had an improved longevity, like for example, the blackberries that usually last for only a day or two are now lasting for 3 to 4 days; the raspberries that normally last for 1 to 3 days, now have an extended life of 4 to 5 days; and 6 to 7 days for strawberries that usually just last for 3 to 4 days.

The concept of Food Freshness Card was born after Rick & RJ Hassler of Nature's Frequencies have seen on the news about the immense amount of food being thrown in the United States and even in the other countries in the world. "We were shocked at the statistics, and ultimately asked ourselves a simple question: How can we help prevent $165 Billion in food waste each year?" said Rick Hassler, co-inventor of the Food Freshness CardTM.

The Food Freshness Card is capable of keeping foods fresher so long as they are within a four foot radius of a card, and so long as the card is kept intact, it can last up to one year.

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