He is not only gunning for the court. He is also gunning for that diploma. NBA athlete and star LeBron James has had a fruitful year. Recently, he just signed on a $100 million deal with the Cleveland Cavaliers.

He is reportedly the highest paid basketball player in the following 2017-2019 NBA season, according to CNWorth. But that is not the only billion dollar investment that is happening with LeBron James. He is also investing in his education. He is making sure his lifetime deal with Nike and his savings is being put to good use.

In an effort to continue his education, he is planning to pursue a college degree. When he has some free time, he will devote a number of hours at the University of Akron. The University is in his native home town of Akron, Ohio.

Why did LeBron suddenly plan on getting a college degree? Before the NBA changed his life, he skipped college. The NBA took him right away after his senior year in high school. After he graduated at St. Vincent-St. Mary High School in 2003, he went on to become one of the highest paid and talented athletes in the National Basketball Association.

He has always thought about going back to college. "That's always been a conversation that took place - to take some college courses, take some classes," says James.

In the mean time, he is busy reading books and surrounding himself with people that can help him learn. Does he already have a major in mind? James plans on taking world history. He recalls that whenever he travels to places, he likes to discover how they were built.

Although he was not able to pursue a college course, he is devoted to promoting education to the youth of today. Clearly, he is not only a good role model for kids who want to become active in basketball and sports, but also for kids to invest in higher education.