The most awaited Apple SIM is speculated to be launched in the newest flagships of iPhone for 2017. Also, rumor has it that a dual-SIM iPhone is also possible. If these are all true, what took Apple so long to scrape the old technology of SIM cards from their iPhones?

It is apparent that Apple is trying to save space from their newest mobile flagships to be launched in September - iPhone 7 and iPhone Plus. The two latest models were said to have been ditched the old school audio jack in replacement to a wireless lightning connector. This newest technology embed in iPhone 7 models will appear on the next flagships and with an additional innovation - the Apple SIM.

Apple SIM has long been wished to be embedded in iPhone but due to unverified reasons, Apple has never made a single move to do such. However, 2017 might be the most innovative year for the well-loved mobile phones because according to Forbes, 'iPhone 8' has the highest probability to feature the never-before specs of a smartphone and that includes the inclusion of Apple SIM in replacement to the physical SIM. Apple has done it to iPad models and there's high hope for iPhone models too.

Why netizens are going gaga over the Apple SIM? As reported by Every Mac, Apple SIM has this flexibility feature that allows the users to choose among the short-terms plans from the selected carriers in their respective countries. However, for now, these short-term plans offered by carriers are only available for selected iPad devices.

For the dual-SIM feature, a senior mobile product manager shared his insight as to why Apple is not buying out the idea. He said that dual-SIM iPhone is does not appeal so well to the taste of loyal Apple product consumers. In addition, Apple is widely known for not putting any unusable features in their products.