Ever since the development phase of the upcoming Netflix Marvel series, as reported by MTV, Luke Cage has been announced back in late 2013, fans have been excited that the Marvel Netflix universe has expanded with another character. So far, Marvel has done great things to their Netflix shows. The highly positive reactions towards "Daredevil" has spawned another Netflix show, "Jessica Jones" along with an even more successful second season of Daredevil. It's only natural that the spin-off other characters from these shows.

The character of Luke Cage, who is portrayed by "The Good Wife" actor Mike Colter has been a recurring character in the first season of Jessica Jones. Colter's charismatic portrayal of Harlem's resident "Powerman" was well-received by fans, which was further fueled by the teaser trailer that was shown at the 2016 San Diego Comic Con, along with teaser trailers for Netflix's Daredevil Season 3, Iron Fist and The Defenders. The Comic Con trailer for Luke Cage shows him busting into a building and beating up bad guys with his fist, while bullets are just deflected by his impenetrable skin.

In a report by the Los Angeles Times, fans of the Netflix's Marvel TV Universe are given a much bigger glimpse into the action-packed world of Luke Cage, with Netflix releasing a full-length trailer. The trailer lasts for 2 and a half minutes, and shows parts of what was shown in the Comic Con trailer, but with wonderful additions. The welcomed part of the trailer was the introduction of the villain, "Cottonmouth" portrayed by actor Mahershala Ali. There are also some scenes that includes Claire Temple who was in the Daredevil series, and portrayed by actress Rosario Dawson.

Fans don't have to to wait long to enter the Marvel television world again. The full 13 episodes of "Luke Cage" will be available on Netflix on Sept. 30.