Lander University officials are planning to test the effectiveness of their emergency preparedness teams by organizing a two-hour disaster drill and letting loose Zombies on the campus.

This exercise is a part of "Zombie Apocalypse 2013."

While the zombies are out inflicting terror on students, faculty and staff, the university's emergency teams will also be present at the scene trying to rescue and provide medical assistance to concerned individuals harmed by the zombies.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) initiated the idea of a Zombie attack to spread awareness regarding the importance of preparedness to avert any disaster.

The center's director Dr. Ali Khan, said, "If you're well-equipped to deal with a zombie apocalypse, you'll be prepared for any disaster."

Participants will include university nursing students and members of the Lander police department, the Campus Emergency Response Team, the Wellness Center and the university's Medical Reserve Corps activity group.

Dr. Robbie South, director of Lander's William Preston Turner School of Nursing, said that this activity will assess the true capability of the university's disaster management with minimal participation of medical personnel from the state Department of Health and Environmental Control.

South, Dr. Leslie Myers (assistant professor of nursing) and MRC faculty consultants will organise the drill.

Once the drill is complete, the university officials will have a fair knowledge of how prepared they are to face disasters and implement any improvements that are needed.