Eastern Michigan University announced that it has named Jeffrey Kentor as its new associate provost and associate vice president for graduate studies and research. His appointment will be effective May 1, 2013.

Kentor is serving in the capacity of senior associate dean for academic affairs and professor of sociology in the College of Social and Behavioral Science at the University of Utah, where he joined in 1999 and is working presently.

His previous appointments at the University of Utah include assistant and associate professor, graduate director and chair of the Department of Sociology. Prior to joining the Utah faculty, he was a visiting assistant professor in the Department of Sociology at the University of Illinois in Chicago.

Other prior appointments include a research professorship at the Madrid Institute for Advanced Studies, and five years as senior editor of the International Journal of Comparative Sociology, during which time it became one of the top 25 journals in the discipline.

"Dr. Kentor has established himself as a leading administrator, researcher and scholar," said Eastern Michigan University Provost and Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs Kim Schatzel, in a university press release.

"He is a strong advocate of institutional research and the importance of faculty scholarship and creative work. He also brings respected administrative leadership as we continue to focus on the excellence of our graduate programs," he added.

Kentor's responsibilities at the University of Utah include curriculum, academic standards, interdisciplinary programs, graduate and adjunct teaching appointments, strategic planning, and information technology.

During his time as senior Associate Dean, external funding has increased from $2,100,000 to $5,500,000, with projected funding this year of $7,000,000, said the university. In addition, a new junior faculty sabbatical program was created to help junior faculty by providing time for intensive scholarship and research activities.

"Eastern Michigan University is an exciting opportunity for me," said Kentor. His annual salary will be $163,000.

"It is a wonderful and historic university, where faculty and students engage in research and where thousands of graduate students have the opportunity to participate in nearly 200 degree programs. I was immediately struck by the friendliness and sincerity of everyone I met during the interviewing process. I look forward to working collaboratively with faculty and administration to enhance existing graduate programs, develop new programs, and expand overall scholarly and creative activity across the university," he said in a statement.

Meanwhile, Kentor's appointment stands pending before the Board of Regents for approval.

Kentor is a native of Pittsburgh and grew up outside of Chicago. He received his bachelor's degree from George Washington University with Special Honors in Psychology, his master's degree from Antioch University in Human Development Research, and a Ph.D. in Sociology from The Johns Hopkins University.