Jon Beaupré, a professor from the California State University, Los Angeles (CSULA), is using technology based products to better engage his students during a lecture.

Beaupré is taking the help of Trumpia's text-to-screen feature to create interest in course topics, active participation during live panel discussions and invoke classroom dialogue between professors and students.

Beaupré said that he never really agreed on traditional lecturing methods, and technology innovations like text-to-screen have helped him bring diversity to his teaching.

"I understand that students are going to be texting in class regardless of classroom regulations, so I want to be able to turn that distraction into something productive," said Beaupré.

Beaupré said that Trumpia's mobile features, like text-to-screen, are effective and affordable too.

For one of his TV Film course, 'Intro to Broadcasting', he invited personalities from local TV, film, and media for a live panel discussion.

Students participating in the discussion texted questions with their mobile phones to a large projector screen. And the panel speakers later answered their questions.

This feature is helpful for students who are not open to speaking at public events. It enables them to clarify their questions/doubts in a sophisticated and easier manner; make their opinions heard and help them participate in any given social activity.

Lecturers too can export messages and track a student's participation in an event and award credits based on their performance.