Student leaders from five Texas universities attended the 'Flagship Legislative Day' conducted by the University of Texas' student-run 'Invest in Texas campaign' at the state Capitol, Tuesday.

At the ceremony, students from UT, Texas A&M University, Texas State University, Texas Tech University and the University of Houston met state legislators to increase funding for higher education.

Michael Morton, campaign co-director and Senate of College Councils president, told Daily Texas Online that they wanted their campaigns' message to get stronger.

UT's finance junior Nancy Bonds told the newspaper that for every $1 the state invests in the University, it generates $18 in the Texas economy.

"We are in a bad budget situation in this legislative session and that makes it a little more desirable to put money back into higher education," Morton said.

Students also spoke about increasing number of students opting for schools outside the state, which causes an issue to the Texas economy.

"As far as Texas State goes, it was very beneficial. It was an honor that UT asked us to join them in the Flagship Day, and I do think it is great to be a cohesive body for higher education," Allison Sibley, a Texas State University student body vice president told the newspaper.

'Invest in Texas' comprises of student governments, the senate of college councils, the graduate student assembly, and 25 sponsoring student organizations from across UT campus to make students' voices heard in the Legislature