Utah State University's Caine College of the Arts is holding a four-day showcase of the works of Helen Whitney, renowned documentary filmmaker.

The event is free and open to public as well. The university announced her visit scheduled between Jan. 28 and 31 in a press statement. "Helen Whitney's Life in Film: A Documentary Series," will include film viewings and discussions of her work.

Whitney will speak, during Common Hour Wednesday, at 11:30 a.m. in the Performance Hall, previewing the film for that night "Faith and Doubt."

"Producer, director and writer Helen Whitney represents one of the most significant figures in contemporary American documentary film production," said Craig Jessop, dean of the Caine College of the Arts.

Whitney has been making documentary films for about three decades. She brings her immense experience in film making to Utah State University to share with the students.

"As a writer, as a producer and as a director, she's virtually without peer. To have her on our campus, to share with us the body of her work over the past decade is an extraordinary opportunity, not only for the students and faculty at USU, but for the community and the state of Utah as well," added Jessop.

Whitney was nominated for an Oscar for her film "First Edition." She won an Emmy for her film "The Choice: '96," and won outstanding script for television documentary from the Writers Guild of America for "John Paul II: The Millennial Pope." She produced, directed and wrote "The Mormons," a PBS special, and "Faith and Doubt at Ground Zero," among many others, said the university in a release.

"We are very fortunate to have Helen Whitney here at Utah State University," said John Allen, dean of the College of Humanities and Social Sciences.

"Students have a rare opportunity to engage with an individual who uses documentary film to discuss difficult issues of today as well as the spiritual life. Her films bring empathy and a clear eye to social issues and our students will learn a great deal by participating in these events," said Allen.

Schedule for "Helen Whitney's Life in Film: A Documentary Series"

Jan. 30 - Faith and Doubt
On the road with John Paul II - selections from "The Millennial Pope."
Searching for meaning in the aftershocks of 9/11 - "Faith and Doubt at Ground Zero."

Jan. 31 - Spiritual Landscapes
Inside Mormonism, a three-year journey resulting in a four-hour PBS series - "The Mormons."