Harvard University has reinstated the Palestine Solidarity Committee as a recognized student organization after a five-month suspension for violating university protest guidelines.

The decision allows the PSC to access university mailing lists, reserve rooms, and apply for funding through the Harvard Undergraduate Association, according to the Harvard Crimson, the student newspaper. The group was also permitted to participate in the recent Student Activities Fair.

The PSC was suspended in April after organizing an unauthorized rally in Harvard Yard and had been placed on probation before the suspension. The group, which is the only recognized pro-Palestine student organization at Harvard, was ordered to cease all activities for the remainder of the spring semester.

The suspension drew criticism from pro-Palestine students and faculty, who viewed it as an infringement on free speech.

In a statement to the Crimson, the PSC expressed its commitment to continue advocating for Palestinian liberation and pushing Harvard to divest from companies affiliated with Israel.

"Registration does not pacify us, and the university's attempts to silence students will only result in greater resistance," the group wrote.