A University of Iowa employee has been accused of collecting more than $943,000 by using school equipment for his private business, according to a special investigation released by the state auditor.

Brian Busch, a former engineering specialist and manager of the Department of Physics and Astronomy's Machine Shop, allegedly contracted jobs for his personal company, D3Signtech, and used university equipment to complete those jobs without disclosing his conflict of interest.

Busch was placed on paid leave in 2021 following whistleblower complaints and was terminated in August 2023 after the audit was completed. Two additional Machine Shop employees were also placed on leave as a result of the investigation. At the time he was placed on leave, Busch made about $83,000 per year, according to The Gazette.

In a Wednesday statement, the university is investigating ways to recoup wages paid to the three individuals during their leave.

"When university officials learned of a potential violation in the Department of Physics and Astronomy Machine Shop, they took immediate action to protect the interests of taxpayers, students, and families," the statement read. "The university began an internal audit to review processes and procedures and requested a state audit to better assess the role of the individuals involved."

Busch is seeking legal representation in the matter, but it's unclear if charges will be brought against him.